Margot is delighted to see that many rich fruits have emerged from her teachings and trainings. All of the workshops and trainings listed here are of the best quality in the field of tantra, offered by teachers who have studied with us for about ten years and have grounded experience in group leading, therapy, and tantra.
Click here to show only events taught by Margot herself.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in the United States and North America.
If you want to be informed of all Skydancing Tantra programs, please click here.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in France, Switzerland, and Belgium.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in Germany.
The classes in Europe are multi-lingual.

Women’s Tantra Day
April 28, 2024 - May 26, 2024
Women’s Tantra Day
“Surya & Soma, the inner union”
Hosted by Karine Ma Tara , certified Skydancing® Tantra teacher.
Having followed Deborah Sundhal’s teacher training on the G-spot and female ejaculation, Ma Tara is also a naturopath and Gestalt therapist.
And Chloé Lunes , guest host, project doula, who created the podcast “Les Unes”!
Chloé runs Tantra courses, trained in sophrology and “non-violent communication”.
Course reserved for women.
Possibility of coming for 1 or 2 days.
Every woman carries Surya and Soma within her. The sun and the moon, Yin and yang, light and shadow.
Two sides of the same coin, different angles of view which deserve to be cultivated to allow us to feel complete and fulfilled, to take our full place in the world.
During these days, we will visit the many facets of the feminine.
Thanks to the 3 keys of Skydancing Tantra, breathing, movement and sound, we will explore:
– Breathing which awakens the fire in us,
– Meditation which leads to visiting our depths,
– Dance which affirms our vital energy and our joy of being,
– the language which allows us to set our limits in the relationship,
– the place in our psyche which recharges us and reveals our strengths
– the movement which allows our sensuality to unfold.
2 days of body practices that can be experienced independently of each other , or combined to offer a deeper exploration.
Registration link: