Margot is delighted to see that many rich fruits have emerged from her teachings and trainings. All of the workshops and trainings listed here are of the best quality in the field of tantra, offered by teachers who have studied with us for about ten years and have grounded experience in group leading, therapy, and tantra.
Click here to show only events taught by Margot herself.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in the United States and North America.
If you want to be informed of all Skydancing Tantra programs, please click here.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in France, Switzerland, and Belgium.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in Germany.
The classes in Europe are multi-lingual.
TEL 1 – The Joy of the Body
SkyDancing Tantra Deutschland Georg-Haindl-Straße 15, 87448, Waltenhofen1 - Aliveness Head: Margot Anand and Andreas Rupp , 650, - € 14th September, 18:00 to 19 September 2018, approx. 15:00 2 - Healing Leaders: Tina Hellingrath and Laurent Lacoste , 700, - € 1st December, 11:00 to 8 December 2018, ca. 15:00 In this two-part cycle, you discover and release your body from physical tensions and mental [...]