Margot is delighted to see that many rich fruits have emerged from her teachings and trainings. All of the workshops and trainings listed here are of the best quality in the field of tantra, offered by teachers who have studied with us for about ten years and have grounded experience in group leading, therapy, and tantra.
Click here to show only events taught by Margot herself.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in the United States and North America.
If you want to be informed of all Skydancing Tantra programs, please click here.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in France, Switzerland, and Belgium.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in Germany.
The classes in Europe are multi-lingual.

Initiation SkyDancing Tantra
July 30, 2016
The conscious is an exceptional energy door that opens to other meeting spaces with oneself, with others, with the universe. With the graduated and educational approach Skydancing Tantra, we invite you to discover this powerful healing energy, pleasure and ecstasy safely.
Skydancing Tantra is a path that takes into account the human experience as a whole, the adventure of consciousness in the body. SkyDancing Tantra gives us practical ways to live life fully and offers practical
answers to questions like:
What is the state of ecstasy ? How to get there ? How can it help us in our daily lives?
During this weekend, we invite you to discover this powerful energy healing and awareness. This introduction is the necessary step for those who want to embark on the path of personal training to Love and Ecstasy with Margot Anand.
In a climate of trust, security, respect, gentleness and warmth, this introductory course will give you access to deep and lasting transformations.
This course offers:
Access sexuality in the moment, becoming its creator by not referring to the past or the future but living the experience of the present moment .
Increase our capacity to love and be loved.
Regain confidence in ourselves, in each other, in love and in the magic of life.
Play with our dual male and female identity.
Explore the three major keys of pleasure and ecstasy: Breath, Sound and Movement.
Schedule: Friday 10:00 to Sunday 5:00 p.m.
11-13 November 2016
2-4 December 2016
6-8 January 2017
10-12 March 2017
15-17 April 2017
6-8 May 2017
Where: Brussels, Belgium
Price: 345 € per person
Non-residential course
This introduction fulfills the requirement for those who want to embark on the path of personal training in SkyDancing Tantra hosted by Margot Anand and her team in Montpellier (southern France).
With Philippe Wyckmans