Margot is delighted to see that many rich fruits have emerged from her teachings and trainings. All of the workshops and trainings listed here are of the best quality in the field of tantra, offered by teachers who have studied with us for about ten years and have grounded experience in group leading, therapy, and tantra.
Click here to show only events taught by Margot herself.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in the United States and North America.
If you want to be informed of all Skydancing Tantra programs, please click here.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in France, Switzerland, and Belgium.
Click here for Skydancing events based on Margot’s teachings in Germany.
The classes in Europe are multi-lingual.

The Yin and Yang of Ecstasy: Empowering the Feminine, Awakening the Masculine
April 29, 2018 - May 4, 2018
The Yin and Yang of Ecstasy: Empowering the Feminine, Awakening the Masculine
with Margot Anand and Jim Benson
Life is a flow between the two poles of our nature: yin and yang, and feminine and masculine. “In this program designed especially for Esalen,” say Margot Anand and Jim Benson, “our intention is to increase your personal ‘range’ between those poles, as well as facilitate the ease with which you move from one aspect to the other.
“Our culture rarely offers us experiences of deep, embodied feminine power, nor does it provide for easily accessible experiences of the conscious, awakened masculine. What if we were able to access the wisdom we hold inside about these forces? What if we could learn to cultivate — with depth, love, and integrity — our essential relationship to them? Both men and women can benefit from inviting more of the Divine Feminine into their lives, welcoming this receptive ‘being’ aspect that seeks the ‘pleasure behind the pleasure’ and is joyfully surrendered. Similarly, we will experientially reclaim the clarity and sovereignty of our true masculine nature: presence, power, and a generous heart.”
Through dialogue with our Inner Man and Inner Woman, visualizations, role-play, the Yin-Yang game, and other Skydancing Tantra™ practices, Margot and Jim offer a fun yet powerful environment to explore the very best of your masculine and feminine natures.
Note: Participants will be fully clothed during this workshop.